Winnipeg Punk Rock Flea Market Code of Conduct

Our priority at Winnipeg Punk Rock Flea Market is to create a safer, accessible, inclusive and supportive experience for people of all ages, gender identities, sexualities, cultures, abilities, health and economic statuses.

This means not just tolerating but acknowledging and celebrating each other’s differences, and being willing to engage in honest dialogue, receive criticism, and take responsibility and accountability for our words and actions.


We expect all participants in our events, including WPRFM crew, volunteers, vendors, sponsors and attendees to follow these principles at all times:

• Respect others’ physical and emotional boundaries. 

• Respect others’ identities and backgrounds, including pronouns and names. 

• Do not assume or make judgments on anyone’s gender identity, sexual preference, survivor status, health status, economic status, religion, background, beliefs, opinions, etc. 

• Be aware that your actions and words may have unintended effects on other people. Hold yourself accountable for your actions, and acknowledge their effect on others as valid, regardless of your intentions. 

• Assume positive intent. If someone does or says something that crosses a boundary, gently let them know, but do not assume they intended harm. 

• Take care of your own safety. If you need to step out, feel free to do so. If you feel unsafe, let the facilitator know. 

• If you are subjected to or witness any abusive or inappropriate behavior at a WPRFM event or at any time by anyone associated with the WPRFM, let a member of the WPRFM crew know.

Unacceptable Behavior:

We have a zero tolerance policy for hate or discrimination, including but not limited to:

  • Racism

  • Sexism

  • Ableism

  • Ageism

  • Homophobia

  • Transphobia

  • Fatphobia

  • Whorephobia

  • Misogyny

We reserve the right to, at our discretion, terminate all association with WPRFM participants, including crew, volunteers, vendors, sponsors and other creative or business partners, found to be in violation of this policy in any way, including:

  • Views and opinions expressing hate, discrimination or intolerance towards others, including statements, jokes, memes, shared content, and private comments or conversations made public by you or another party or otherwise shared with WPRFM organizers

  • Actions causing harm to and/or exclusionary of others based on age, gender identity, sexual preference, survivor status, health status, economic status, religion, background, beliefs, and opinions

  • Any actions causing physical harm to others

Contacting the WPRFM Crew:

If you have a question or concern, or wish to report harassment or abuse taking place at a WPRFM event or at any time by anyone associated with the WPRFM, you can approach any member of our team (during an event) or if you’re uncomfortable approaching us in person or wish to report a concern outside of a specific event, contact us at Include any details we need to know to investigate and take action, and if/how you’d like us to follow up with you.

All reported concerns will be kept anonymous unless you expressly consent otherwise.