Winnipeg Punk Rock Blog Post
Hey Pals,
We can’t believe it’s been just over a year since we created the WPRFM Instagram account, wondering if we could actually pull off an event. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for the unbelievable outpouring of support and love that we have received since. Our vision started with an inclusive space for all the punks, weirdos, artists, those who feel like they don’t fit, and everyone who believes in the spirit of DIY. As the page gained fans it started to seem like people were interested in the idea of an alternative market filled with the coolest, most interesting and diverse makers that Winnipeg and the surrounding area had to offer. From the moment we put out our first vendor call and were flooded with applications, we knew that we had something special.
We kept planning and putting in the work while we anxiously awaited our very first market on April 2 2023, the whole time wondering if everyone else would feel the same excitement, wonder, and marvel as we were. We had the venue, the talent, great deejays. We got some press and did some interviews, but the one thing that was going to really make this a success was the support of the community (that’s you!). From the moment we opened the doors and people started coming in, the air was absolutely electric. As we looked outside and saw a line up around the block, we looked at each other and said, “We’re going to need a bigger boat!!”. As the day continued, we did our best to manage what was somehow both the best and worst scenario we could have imagined. We had more people lined up than we could handle and more people kept coming and lining up for hours! The line was jubilant, as people came in there were cheers, high fives, hugs. It was sincerely one of the best days of our lives. We ended the day knowing that we had created something amazing and we were going to continue to build our dream.
We woke up the following Monday ready to start planning our next event. We knew we had to make some changes and that we had already outgrown our first venue. Through our surveys, our vendors, volunteers, and attendees all told us the same things: more vendors, more time, and more space. Knowing that, we gathered a bigger team and started planning bigger and better! We linked up with the UMFM crew and worked together to bring a fall market to the University of Manitoba multi-purpose room- a much bigger and accessibility-ready space that also facilitated bus routes and parking!
The October WPRFM was the largest event many of us have ever planned, and (not gonna lie) organizing it was hard and more than a little bit terrifying. We knew if this one went well that we were really on our way to building our vision of having the largest, most inclusive, weirdest, best alternative market in Winnipeg and the Prairies.
And we did it. The community showed up with love and support. Over 3000 people came through the doors and we raised over $3000 for Trans Health Klinic with a mega prize pack raffle of goodies generously donated by our vendors.
We’ll wrap this up by giving thanks. First to our volunteers: you are the glue that held our events together. You showed up early to help our makers load in and out, handed out water, watched tables, kept the green room stocked, and were just a wonderful, fun crew. If you are interested in joining our volunteer team for future WPRFM events, we’d love to have you - sign up here.
Next up, so many thanks to our vendors. Each and every one of you is a talented superstar - your passion, dedication and creative spirit have made the WPRFM a success.
Additional thanks to Jared and the UMFM crew; our photographers Joey Senft and Dwayne Larson; our deejays Mod Marty, Megan, and Ryse - your tunes are a huge part of what makes the WPRFM great. Gratitude also goes out to everyone who completed our post-market surveys. Your feedback is so valuable and helps us make the WPRFM a better experience each time.
Finally, thank you to every single one of you who attended our events! We appreciate your ongoing support and patience as we learn and grow. You have embraced and accepted us with open arms and we absolutely love you.
Special Side Note - we are so incredibly proud to have been able to support the outstanding community organization Manitoba Harm Reduction Network. We worked together to create the “Harm Reduction is Punk” t-shirt (design created by artist Meaghan Allan), and release the flower tattoo design (designed by maker Sweet Adeline) so MHRN can continue to use it to raise money for their programs. You can find the tattoo design on our website with a portion of all sales donated to MHRN.
What to expect next from the WPRFM:
A January event including music, community, and punk rock (of course).
A Spring Fling WPRFM the first weekend of April with vendor call in January
A huge 2024 fall market extravaganza
More exciting announcements as we grow from there!